Corporate Engagement

We need you to help protect Canada’s wilderness!

Corporate donations and partnerships are crucial to our success and are based on the shared values of protecting Canada’s treasured wilderness. In partnering with corporations, we seek the resources needed to further our work to ensure Canada delivers on its commitment to protect 25% our land and ocean by 2025 and 30% by 2030, on the way to protecting at least half of the country.

We hold our corporate donors and partners in high regard and recognize them publicly for their commitment to protecting biodiversity and natural spaces.

We work hard to maximize the proportion of revenue spent on our wilderness work: each year, our 13 chapters and the national office devote over 70 per cent of the CPAWS budget to conservation and education, spending less than 15 per cent on fundraising and operational costs.

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A great way to support our conservation work

Donations are an easy way to directly support our conservation efforts across Canada. Our work at CPAWS is needed more than ever to reach Canada’s goal of protecting 30% of land, freshwater and ocean by 2030.

We welcome the following types of donations:

  • One-time charitable unrestricted or project-specific cash gift;
  • Multi-year unrestricted or project-specific pledge of annual gifts.

For more information, please contact us by email.

Tursujuq Robert Fréchette


Tailored to meet the changing needs of conservation in Canada

Through our partnerships we aim to increase Canadians’ collective understanding of conservation issues and the visibility of our partners’ commitment to protecting Canada’s natural legacy.

We endeavour to put into place mutually-beneficial partnerships that draw on the support of the 93% of the Canadian public who view protected areas as necessary, particularly in relation to protecting wildlife and natural beauty. We also endeavour to help our partners reach the objectives of their Corporate Social Responsibility programs.

We welcome the following types of partnership support:

  • Specific % or $ amount for a defined period on all purchases or on specific jointly-branded products;
  • Gift in-kind of products and/or services in support of a CPAWS project or program;
  • Sponsorship of public events and activities.

For more information, please contact us by email.

Spray Lakes, AB - credit Sara Lindstrom

We welcome the following types of partnership support:

Specific % or $ amount for a defined period on all purchases or on specific jointly branded product(s)
Gift in-kind of product(s) and/or service(s) in support of a CPAWS project or program
Sponsorship of public events and activities

Our recent successes

Thanks to the support of our generous donors and partners

defend alberta parks sign

175 parks successfully defended, Alberta

In Alberta, CPAWS Northern and Southern Alberta chapters cheered after the province backtracked on an earlier decision to delist or close 175 Alberta park sites. The reversal was a direct result of the Defend Alberta Parks campaign led by the chapters, and resulting in more than 21,000 letters sent to MLAs.

In 2020, with the help of volunteers, supporters and partners from across Alberta, CPAWS’ campaign was successful in preventing 175 of Alberta’s parks from being removed from the Alberta Parks system and losing their protection.

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photo tadoule by christopher paetkau
Credit: Christopher Paetkau

Canada invested $3.2 million in the Seal River Watershed, Manitoba

After a targeted campaign supported by CPAWS Manitoba, the Government of Canada invested $3.2 million in the Seal River Watershed Indigenous Protected Area. The area in the Taiga Shield of northern Manitoba is within the traditional territories of the Cree, Dene and Inuit.

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magpie river by boreal river
Credit: Boreal River

The Magpie River was granted official rights and legal personhood, Quebec

In 2021, years of work by CPAWS Quebec and others to protect the Magpie River from development resulted in a landmark Canadian decision by the regional municipality and the Innu Council of Ekuanitshit to grant the river the legal rights of personhood for the first time in Canada.

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