Written By: Jill Sturdy
On June 14, a herd of 400+ boreal caribou arrived on Parliament Hill ready to be adopted by Members of Parliament and Senators. MPs and Senators were invited to stop by and meet their very own caribou adoptee and learn more about which herd he or she was from and what threats they face.
They also had the opportunity to have their photo taken with Bou, CPAWS’ caribou mascot and official adoption officer! Everyone jumped at the chance to pose with Bou and their new little adoptees. Here are just a few of Bou’s new friends.
See more photos on the CPAWS’ Facebook album.
About Boreal caribou:
Boreal woodland caribou are threatened across Canada and their population continues to decline. They require vast, intact and undisturbed boreal forest to thrive. Boreal caribou are an indicator of a healthy boreal forest – when the caribou are healthy, so are other species living in the boreal. A healthy boreal forest supports fresh water, safe breeding grounds for billions of songbirds that travel thousands of kilometres, and an ecosystem that stores more carbon per hectare than the Amazon, helping to offset the impacts of climate change.
What you can do:
If you haven’t already, please sign our pledge and join the tens of thousands of Canadians who want to protect boreal caribou. We will keep you posted on our plans (stay tuned for more caribou fun this fall!)