SNAP Canada

K’asho Got’ın̨ę and GNWT celebrate new Ts’udé Nilįné Tuyeta protected area

FORT GOOD HOPE, November 26, 2019 – The Government of the Northwest Territories (GNWT) has signed a historic agreement with its Indigenous partners in the K’asho Got’ın̨ ę district of the Northwest Territories to establish and collaboratively manage a new territorial protected area.

Ts’udé Nilįné Tuyeta near Fort Good Hope is an important cultural and spiritual area where wildlife is abundant and the Sahtú Dene and Métis hunt, fish and trap and live on the land as they have for generations. In this protected area, younger generations will continue to learn about their culture and history.

Located in the Ramparts River watershed of the Sahtú region, Ts’udé Nilįné Tuyeta is a critical wetland that provides key habitat for migratory birds and many species that are at risk, including grizzly bear, northern mountain caribou, wolverine, short-eared owl and boreal woodland caribou.

Protection of this unique place will help to conserve the cultural significance of the area, as well as the biodiversity.

Once established, Ts’udé Nilįné Tuyeta will be permanently protected and collaboratively managed by the K’asho Got’ın̨ ę and the GNWT. Local people will be involved in the management and monitoring of the land, water, plants and animals of Ts’udé Nilįné Tuyeta.

Substantial funding has been obtained to support the establishment and planning for the management and monitoring of Ts’udé Nilįné Tuyeta for the next four years (2019-2023) through the Government of Canada’s Canada Nature Fund, the International Boreal Conservation Campaign and the Wyss Foundation.


“Tuyeta, what makes it special is that is has everything you want, all the animals, forest, lakes and waters flowing. It has moose, caribou, fish, bears, beavers, rabbits and all kinds of birds you wouldn’t normally see in different places. I feel that’s very special. I guess the scenery, places and memories people have like going back over their own places, trails, and on rivers they’ve been before. A very special place to be there and be a part of.”

Vicky Orlias, K’asho Got’ın̨ ę Elder

“As one of the first areas to be established under the new NWT Protected Areas Act, Ts’udé Nilįné Tuyeta is an example of how the Indigenous governments, organizations and GNWT can work together to support the preservation of biodiversity, culture and sustainable livelihoods in the NWT. I look forward to the opportunities this area will provide for diversifying the local economy while ensuring land remains healthy for future generations.”

Shane Thompson, Minister of Environment and Natural Resources

“Nature is one of our most precious resources. Protecting it will not only support the conservation of our biodiversity, but it is also a solution to fight climate change. We will continue to work with the Government of the Northwest Territories and the K’asho Got’ine towards the establishment of Ts’udé Niliné Tuyeta. By working together, we can double the amount of nature we protect from coast to coast.”

Hon. Jonathan Wilkinson, Minister of Environment and Climate Change, Government of Canada

Quick Facts

  • Ts’udé Nilįné Tuyeta is approximately 10,050 km2 in size and lies west of the Mackenzie River and the community of Fort Good Hope. It was identified by the Sahtú Dene and Métis as an important ecological and cultural area worthy of long-term protection in 1993, when the Sahtú Comprehensive Land Claim agreement was signed.
  • The GNWT and the K’asho Got’ın̨ ę signed an establishment agreement for Ts’udé Nilįné Tuyeta on September 4, 2019.
  • The establishment of Ts’udé Nilįné Tuyeta helps the GNWT fulfill its commitments under Healthy Land, Healthy People action plan, contributes to Canada’s Target 1 initiative, mitigation efforts under the 2030 NWT Climate Change Strategic Framework and, more broadly, supports the GNWT’s commitment to working with Indigenous governments to advance their priorities.
  • Ts’udé Nilįné Tuyeta is the second territorial protected area to be established using the new NWT Protected Areas Act following the creation of Thaidene Nëné in August 2019.


Media Contacts

Meagan Wohlberg
Manager, Public Affairs and Communications Environment and Natural Resources
[email protected]

Edwin Erutse
President, Yamoga Land Corporation
(867) 598-2519 or (867) 446-4662
[email protected]