

It’s Your Turn to do Some Science!

By Anika Hazra, CPAWS National Communications Advisor – Digital Media 

Starting tomorrow, and lasting for the entire month of May, those who love being outdoors and are curious about nature will be participating in the global BackyardBio campaign. This is your chance to be a citizen scientist with hardly any effort and all the fun! No prior science experience required.

BackyardBio is all about encouraging people to get outside and explore the natural world by observing, photographing and sharing the wildlife they discover in local green spaces. You can do this anywhere, including your own backyard!

Here are three ways to participate:

1) On social media – share your photos using #backyardbio on Facebook, Twitter or Instagram.

2) Through the iNaturalist or Seek app – share your observations and identifications to contribute to real citizen science and be part of a community of thousands of nature lovers worldwide. Be sure to submit your photos and information to the BackyardBio project on iNaturalist.

3) For teachers and eco clubs – register students and volunteers on the BackyardBio website to connect with other classrooms and groups worldwide.

Want to learn more about nature? Check out our Biodiversity 101 blog for a crash course on species and how we can protect them in Canada. For more in depth reading, check out Healthy Nature Healthy People, our 2020 report on the economic and health benefits of Canada’s parks and protected areas. If you’re tired of reading, watch the BackyardBio Summary video from Exploring by the Seat of Your Pants.

Get ready for a month full of nature exploration – it’s going to be a wild ride!