Election 2021: Get to Know Party Platforms on Conservation

Looking for information to help you make an informed decision at the polls this federal election? CPAWS reached out to Canada’s major parties to ask questions on how they will address the biodiversity and climate crises, advance protection of Canada’s land and ocean, and support Indigenous-led conservation.

These issues are important to us, and we encourage you to learn the parties’ positions on them if they are important to you as well. Our questions and the parties’ responses are below.

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The Canadian Parks and Wilderness Society (CPAWS) is Canada’s only charity dedicated to the protection of public land, freshwater, and ocean with a strong national and regional presence across the country. Working in a way that respects the sovereignty and leadership of Indigenous nations, we are focused on conserving nature to respond to the dual crises of accelerated biodiversity loss and climate change. Our vision is that at least half of land, freshwater, and ocean in Canada is permanently protected to sustain nature and people for current and future generations.

Read the party responses in French

Will you set national goals to halt and reverse biodiversity loss by 2030, and achieve full recovery of healthy natural ecosystems by 2050?

Bloc Québécois

Response provided in French only.

Le Bloc Québécois soutien l’engagement clair du Québec envers l’atteinte de la cible 30 % d’aires protégées d’ici 2030, tel que prôné par la Convention des Nations Unies sur la diversité biologique (CBD).

Il ne sert à rien de fixer des objectifs pancanadiens si le gouvernement fédéral ne peut pas agir. Ce n’est pas le gouvernement fédéral qui protège l’environnement au Québec, c’est l’État du Québec et les municipalités du Québec. Ainsi, il convient de rester prudent vis-à-vis les promesses des chefs de partis politiques fédéraux en matière de protection du territoire.

Constitutionnellement, le territoire québécois appartient aux Québécoises et aux Québécois. Son occupation, son utilisation, son aménagement et sa protection relèvent pour l’essentiel des lois et des règlements du Québec et des municipalités. Il en est ainsi dans toutes les provinces canadiennes. En outre, les nations autochtones ont des droits inhérents sur leurs territoires et la protection unilatérale d’Ottawa est contradictoire avec la reconnaissance de ces droits. Il est plus aisé de déployer la cogestion à partir de Québec.

En matière de conservation, le gouvernement du Canada peut agir sur les propriétés qui lui appartiennent, sur les terres de la couronne, dans les territoires et pour les océans.

Or, nous sommes obligés de remettre en question la valeur des aires protégées créées par le gouvernement de Justin Trudeau.

Justin Trudeau a autorisé 40 forages exploratoires en mer à l’est de Terre-Neuve, dans des refuges marins que le gouvernement fédéral avait lui-même créés. Il a tenu une consultation publique en pleine pandémie pour contourner le processus d’évaluation environnementale. Puis, il a accordé 320 millions de dollars à ces pétrolières extracôtières.

La Cour a reconnu au gouvernement fédéral la compétence de protéger les espèces menacées. Seulement, son seul pouvoir est d’autoriser ou d’interdire des activités dans un territoire donné. Or, la protection de la biodiversité demande des outils plus fins que la simple interdiction. Par exemple, les corridors de migration, les mesures de régénérations des espèces végétales dont les animaux se nourrissent, la gestion des prédateurs, etc. Le véritable enjeu, c’est la cohabitation harmonieuse des humains et de la nature, mais le gouvernement fédéral n’a pas entre ses mains les outils qu’exige ce défi. Il serait donc vain de placer nos espoirs dans le gouvernement fédéral, quelles que soient les promesses des partis politiques canadiens en la matière.


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Green Party

A Green government will halt habitat destruction by 2030 and restore our most negatively affected ecosystems such as wetlands by 2050, prioritizing carbon-rich ecosystems.

Liberal Party
  • Yes.
  • A re-elected Liberal government will establish 10 new national parks and 10 new national marine conservation areas in the next five years.
  • We will work with partners to meet Canada’s goal of conserving 25% of our lands and waters by 2025 and 30% by 2030.
  • We will work to halt and reverse nature loss in Canada by 2030 and achieve a full recovery for nature by 2050. And we will champion this goal internationally.
  • We will fund a Canada water Agency and implement a Freshwater Action Plan to protect and restore large lakes and river systems, with a new investment of $1 billion over 10 years.

New Democrats are committed to taking stronger action to protect our land and water.

If elected we will pursue a Nature agenda, anchored by our commitment to safeguarding ecosystems and biodiversity by protecting 30% of land, freshwater, and oceans by 2030. We will launch a 10-year plan to reverse species loss and we would curb the import and domestic trade of wild animals. We will also expand urban national parks and restore urban biodiversity.

Will you implement Canada’s commitment to protect 25% of land and ocean in Canada by 2025 and at least 30% by 2030, supporting Indigenous-led conservation and respecting international and national minimum protection standards?

Bloc Québécois

Response provided in French only.

Comme nous venons de le mentionner, le Bloc Québécois soutien l’engagement clair du Québec envers l’atteinte de la cible 30 % d’aires protégées d’ici 2030, tel que prôné par la Convention des Nations Unies sur la diversité biologique (CBD), mais il est vain de placer nos espoirs dans le gouvernement fédéral.

Avant d’annoncer des chiffres et des cibles, Justin Trudeau devrait commencer par cesser d’autoriser des forales pétroliers dans les refuges marins qu’il a lui-même créés.

La création d’aires protégées est une compétence partagée, laquelle dépend de la propriété des terres qui doivent être placées sous la protection de l’État ou d’un organisme privé de conservation volontaire, afin de préserver la biodiversité et l’environnement, mais aussi de protéger les espèces. Lorsqu’il est question de protéger les oiseaux migrateurs, il s’agit d’une responsabilité fédérale.

En ce qui concerne les aires protégées fédérales déjà existantes, nous sommes favorables à une meilleure intégration des peuples autochtones dans la gestion du territoire et dans la gestion de la faune et de la flore. Pour ce qui est de la création de nouvelles aires protégées sur le territoire ancestral d’une nation autochtone donnée, nous croyons que le respect du principe de l’autodétermination est essentiel puisque les nations autochtones sont des nations et qu’elles ont à ce titre des droits qui ne peuvent être brimés ni contournés. Ce sont ces droits inhérents que la Déclaration des Nations unies sur les droits des peuples autochtones vient confirmer. En conséquence, la création de nouvelles zones protégées doit se faire en partenariat avec ces nations et ce seront à elles de faire connaître leurs revendications aux gouvernements qui entretiendront l’ambition de les créer.


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Green Party

A Green government will protect a minimum of 30 per cent of freshwaters and lands in each Canadian ecosystem by 2030 and 50 per cent by 2050, prioritizing carbon-rich ecosystems.

It will also support Indigenous-led protected and conservation areas and fund stewardship of these lands and waters by Indigenous guardians. A Green government will additionally implement Canada’s international commitments under the Convention on Biological Diversity and follow-up protocols.

Liberal Party

Yes. In fact, Budget 2021 committed $340 million to Indigenous-led conservation – including IPCAs and a national network of Indigenous Guardians.

  • We are already working with Indigenous communities on co-management agreements for new national parks and marine conservation areas.
  • Our government advanced high standards for marine protection and will continue to uphold and advance what is needed to protect nature.
  • Climate change and biodiversity loss are linked. We will not secure a livable climate without protecting carbon in nature.

Reconciliation is at the heart of everything New Democrats do. As part of our commitment to protecting land and ocean.

We will work with indigenous governments, respecting Indigenous knowledge and upholding indigenous rights to protect lands, waterways and biodiversity. That means making First Nations, Inuit, and Metis peoples full and equal partners in Canada’s conservation efforts. To that end we are also committed to increasing supports in Indigenous-led nature conservation, land-use and climate planning.

Will you commit permanent management funding of $1.4 billion per year, increasing to $2.8 billion per year by 2030, to ensure Canada’s terrestrial and marine protected areas – including those managed by the federal government, Indigenous nations, provinces, territories, and other partners – effectively conserve nature and provide benefits to people?

Bloc Québécois

Response provided in French only.

Nous jugeons que pour arriver à ses objectifs, le Canada devra aider financièrement les provinces. Nous sommes favorables à un rehaussement des sommes consacrées à la protection du territoire, sous forme de transfert sans conditions.


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Green Party

A Green government will provide new and substantial funding for nature conservation to ensure Canada’s terrestrial and marine protected areas –  including those managed by the federal government, Indigenous Nations, provinces,  territories, and other partners – effectively conserve nature.

Liberal Party

To protect and conserve nature across the country, we have made the two single-largest investments in nature conservation in Canadian history – $1.3 billion in Budget 2018 and $3.3 billion in Budget 2021 – which will allow us to protect a quarter of our lands and marine areas by 2025. We also secured significant support from the philanthropic sector to match our efforts.

  • This demonstrates our commitment to nature and our willingness to commit funds to protecting it.
  • We look forward to participating in the international conversations leading up to the UNCBD meeting in 2022 about how best to finance nature.

New Democrats are committed to taking strong action to support protected areas.

We were glad to see that after several years of advocacy from stakeholders like CPAWS, a commitment was made to make significant investments in permanent management of protected terrestrial and marine protected areas. We will build on those supports and work collaboratively with provinces, territories, Indigenous communities, and stakeholders like CPAWS to properly support the management of Canada’s terrestrial and marine protected areas.

Will you commit to completing the proposed Marine Protected Area (MPA) networks in British Columbia, the Gulf of St. Lawrence, the Newfoundland and Labrador Shelves, and the Maritimes?

Bloc Québécois

Response provided in French only.

Conformément à l’Entente de collaboration Canada-Québec pour l’établissement d’un réseau d’aires marines protégées au Québec – qui a été annoncée en 2018 – toutes les aires marines protégées au Québec devront être sélectionnées, planifiées et mises en place conjointement.

Les deux projets à l’étude sont le projet du nord du golfe du Saint-Laurent et le projet de l’estuaire du Saint-Laurent. Nous soutenons la démarche actuelle qui implique la consultation des diverses parties.


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Green Party

The Green Party of Canada believes that establishing effective systems of marine protected areas (MPAs) and restoring at-risk ecosystems is a key strategy to reversing environmental degradation and ensuring the long-term integrity of marine ecosystems.

A Green government will present a clear action plan to complete all current proposed MPAs proposed MPAs and National Marine Conservation Areas. It will also identify new Areas of Interest in the remaining marine ecoregions and bioregions.

Liberal Party

Yes, we are committed to completing the proposed Marine Protected area networks in British Columbia, the Gulf of St. Lawrence, the Newfoundland and Labrador Shelves, and the Maritimes.


Yes, New Democrats will work provinces, territories, and stakeholders to assess how to achieve our goal of expanding conservation areas like the proposed MPA networks in British Columbia, the Gulf of St. Lawrence, the Newfoundland and Labrador Shelves, and the Maritimes, which have been under review since 2009.

Will you require federally-funded roads, railways, and other linear infrastructure projects to include crossing structures and other relevant mitigation measures for wildlife to avoid further habitat fragmentation?

Bloc Québécois

Response provided in French only.

Ce n’est pas le critère du financement fédéral qui doit être retenu, mais celui de la compétence. Ainsi, si des routes sont fédérales, par exemple les routes dans les parcs gérés par parc Canada, alors oui, le gouvernement fédéral devraient favoriser les zones de passage pour la faune.


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Green Party

The Green Party of Canada supports this measure.

Liberal Party

We will work through the Impact Assessment Agency to identify ways to better incorporate protection for wildlife and allow their movement. We will use a variety of tools to see that crossing structures are built.


New Democrats will apply a whole-of-government approach to meet our ambitious climate goals. We will invest in green and grey infrastructure and support nature-based solutions.

To help achieve our goals, a NDP government will permanently double the Canada Community-Building Fund and help municipalities build green infrastructure that meet our climate commitments. We will also create a new Canadian Climate Bank to boost investment in renewable energy, energy efficiency and low carbon technology. These measures would help support infrastructure projects that protect wildlife and avoid further habitat fragmentation.

Will you develop and fund a nationwide ecological connectivity strategy to ensure wildlife and ecosystems can adapt to climate change?

Bloc Québécois

Response provided in French only.

Au Canada, les efforts de conservation de la biodiversité passent par la coopération gouvernementale, non par les normes ou les stratégies pancanadiennes.

Les outils fins de politiques publiques, tels les passages, fauniques sont déployés par le Québec et les provinces. Le gouvernement fédéral peut, bien sûr, favoriser la connectivité écologique en intervenant dans les parcs nationaux, par exemple dans le cas du Corridor Forillon dans le Parc National Forillon.

Le gouvernement fédéral peut effectuer des dépenses, mais elles doivent prendre la forme de transferts sans conditions.

La meilleure chose que le gouvernement fédéral peut faire pour protéger l’environnement au Québec, c’est de respecter la souveraineté environnementale du Québec.


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Green Party

 A Green government will implement many policies to ensure wildlife and ecosystems can adapt to climate change.

The Greens would: expedite recovery plans and implement national and international commitments to reverse species loss; enhance federal science capacity to inventory and prioritize ecosystems, species at risk, and invasive species; invest in science, infrastructure, and business development that supports farming practices which both mitigate climate impacts and improve adaptation; and ramp up climate finance to $USD 4 billion per year to support climate mitigation, adaptation, and loss and damage in developing countries.

Liberal Party
  • Budget 2021 provided $200 million over three years, starting in 2021-22, to Infrastructure Canada to establish a Natural Infrastructure Fund to support, among other things, the natural spaces and wildlife crossings that support conservation and biodiversity.
  • It contained $60 million to develop a network of ecological corridors to support healthier ecosystems and buffer against the impacts of climate change.

New Democrats recognize that the wellbeing of our communities relies on ensuring the health of our marine and freshwater ecosystems.

A NDP government will work with provinces, territories, and stakeholders like CPAWS to work towards our shared goals. As part of this plan we will provide long-term funding for adaptation, disaster mitigation and climate resilient infrastructure. And we will put in place a National Crisis Strategy to help communities plan for and adapt to the changing climate and the weather extremes we are already facing.

Will you put in place a “Biodiversity Lens” assessment framework across federal departments and agencies to support a whole-of-government approach that ensures federal decisions are consistent with the goal of halting and reversing biodiversity loss by 2030?

Bloc Québécois

Response provided in French only.

Oui, nous soutenons une telle mesure. Le gouvernement fédéral doit faire ce qui est en son pouvoir pour protéger la biodiversité, ce qui passe par l’évaluation de l’impact des opérations gouvernementales fédérales et l’intégration des enjeux environnementaux au sommet de l’État.

Le Bloc Québécois propose l’implantation d’un test climat pour l’ensemble des politiques fédérales afin de mesurer l’impact sur l’environnement et les changements climatiques de toutes les décisions gouvernementales. L’enjeu de la biodiversité devra être intégré à ce nouvel outil de prise de décision.

La réduction des émissions de GES, la protection de la santé de la population et la protection de la biodiversité sont des enjeux indissociables qui doivent guider la vision stratégique globale de la transition et de la relance verte.


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Green Party

The Green Party of Canada supports this measure.

Liberal Party
  • Yes. 
  • We will include biodiversity in the broader government-wide climate lens that is currently underdevelopment, as actions that protect nature also address climate change.  This will increase awareness in all parts of government on how their decisions can impact biodiversity. 
  • Also, we will strengthen the Pest Control Products Act to better protect wildlife and the environment, ensure the impacts of pesticides on wildlife are fully considered, and invest in science on the effects of multiple pesticide on the environment. 

We have been encouraged to see a number of municipalities, such as the City of Hamilton, apply a Biodiversity Lens to their climate plans.

A NDP government will support and build upon this important work at the federal level.

New Democrats also recognize that the climate crisis disproportionately impacts low-income, racialized, and other marginalized communities. A NDP government will create an Office of Environmental Justice to address this issue and ensure that our climate goals align with community needs.

Will you implement the G7 2030 Nature Compact commitment to review all federal policies, including subsidies, to identify those that have negative impacts on nature and develop alternatives that are nature-positive?

Bloc Québécois

Response provided in French only.

Lorsque le Canada prend des engagements sur la scène internationale en matière de protection de la nature et de la biodiversité, il doit toujours le faire avec le soutien et l’appui des provinces, puisque ce sont elles qui peuvent agir.

Nous soutenons le Pacte du G7 pour la nature à l’horizon 2030 et estimons que la contribution fédérale passe, entre autres, par l’évaluation de l’impact de l’ensemble des décisions et des opérations gouvernementales fédérales, incluant les sociétés de la Couronne.


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Green Party

A Green government will deliver a new comprehensive ten-year biodiversity strategy and action plan, with goals, measurable targets, and resources to halt and reverse biodiversity loss in the ocean by 2030 and fulfill Canada’s commitment to the G7 Nature Compact and UN CBD by the end of 2023.

Liberal Party
  • We will convene a working group including both government officials and outside experts to identify policies that have a negative impact on wildlife.
  • We will then assess the best ways of avoiding the negative impact on wildlife going forward, and ways to reverse impacts that occurred in the past.

Yes, a NDP government will implement the G7 2030 Nature Compact.

New Democrats have made a clear commitment: if elected, we will eliminate fossil fuel subsidies for profitable oil and gas companies and end the loopholes that let big polluters off the hook. A NDP government will re-invest public dollars into clean energy for a sustainable future.

The Canadian Parks and Wilderness Society (CPAWS) is a non-partisan charity dedicated to the protection of Canada’s public land, freshwater, and ocean. CPAWS does not engage in any activities that support or oppose a political party or candidate for public office.