Why Every Day Should be Earth Day

Contributed by Sabrina Bellissimo, CPAWS National Communications Intern 

Every year on April 22, people around the world celebrate Earth Day.  

My earliest memories of this day take me back to grade school, where I remember learning about this environmental movement.  

Back then, taking part meant drawing animated faces – usually consisting of happy smiles and googly eyes – on cut-outs of the Earth, followed by a garbage pick-up around the community.  

Having flashbacks? Me too.  

In my mind, Earth Day was a day to be grateful for all the benefits that the Earth provides us.  

As I grew older and my education progressed, so did my perception of this day. It appeared that the relationship many of us have with the Earth is transactional.  

I started to realize those goofy expressions drawn onto our innocent cut-outs were not reality.  

My first-grade sketch I was once so proud of went from something like this: 

To more like this: 

I started to ask myself, “Why is it that people emphasize the importance of conserving nature, recognizing the need for reducing plastic waste, and pushing for cleaner energy on only one day out of 365…Why isn’t every day Earth Day?” 

At CPAWS – it is. We work every day to protect nature for current and future generations of people and wildlife.  

Ways to Contribute 

No effort is too small. Consciously making more eco-friendly choices in your daily life can make a difference:  

  • Get outside! Connecting with nature is good for the mind, body, and soul.  
  • Walk, bike, or use public transportation when possible.  
  • Use a refillable water bottle. Say goodbye to single-use plastics.  
  • Use reusable grocery bags. Who needs a million plastic bags anyway?  
  • Volunteer and donate when you can to support environmental organizations. This year I’m giving to CPAWS, and you can too! Donate to CPAWS
What’s Next 

What is my vision for the Earth? That we start treating it with kindness. After all, it’s taken care of us. Now it’s our turn.  

My hope is that future generations will learn at a young age the realities of the Earth’s condition, and what needs to be done to protect it so that they can experience a world of thriving biodiversity, healthy ecosystems, and sustainable development.  

By putting in the effort to be conscious about the products we buy, the activities we take part in, and the organizations we support, we can work towards a happier, healthier Earth. 

Like the ones we drew as kids.